Quality, Speed, Value.
Your Lawyer Should Deliver All Three.
Your Outside General Counsel
Why Nick Day Law?

When you need a senior business lawyer, with extensive General Counsel experience as well as large law firm training, consider Nick Day as Your Outside General Counsel.

If your business does not have an in-house counsel, turn to Nick Day to be Your Outside General Counsel for as many hours as you need, per week or month. With a variety of creative billing solutions, your business can receive quality legal services at a fraction of the cost of traditional law firms or full-time in-house attorneys.

If your business does have in-house counsel, Nick Day can provide additional capacity when you need it, with the experience necessary to add immediate value to your legal team.

For a complete description of our services, please click here.
(267) 290.8343
Nick Day Law
95 River St., Suite 202
Hoboken, NJ 07030
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